Our Seminars and Events
    Our next seminar will take place on 7-8 September 2024
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Tenerure, Dublin, Ireland
7-8 September 2024
International Takemusu Aikido Seminar
with Jöran Fagerlund Sensei.

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Balbriggan, Co. Dublin, Ireland
23 June 2024
Open-Air Bukiwaza Workshop with Raman Bekarevich Sensei.

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Balbriggan, Co. Dublin, Ireland
16 June 2024
Men's Health Week Aikido session with Raman Bekarevich Sensei.

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Balbriggan, Co. Dublin, Ireland
8 March 2024
Women in Sports Week. Aikido session with Jan Toth Sensei.

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Garristown, Ireland
21-22 October 2023
Two days of Taijutsu & Bukiwaza training with Ulf Evenås Shihan.

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Laytown, Co.Meath
13 August 2023
Bukiwaza workshop with Raman Bekarevich Sensei.

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Phibblestown, Dublin
10 December 2022
One-day seminar with Ulf Evenås shihan.

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